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Our Self-Serving Editorials

An Open Letter to Al Gore, spring, 2004

The Honorable Al and Tipper Gore
2100 West End Avenue, Suite 620
Nashville, Tennessee 37203

Dear Al and Tipper Gore:

The other morning, I left a long voice-mail message for you, asking you to have another go at running for President of the United States. Here's why:

1. Mr. Gore, I am a mother and a grandmother. I care about the future of the next generation -- that's my future. I believe that you are an intelligent, good, and sane man who can get things done. You’re willing to work. You’re honest; you’re a great environmentalist; and you understand fiscal policy – which is more than I do. Maybe you didn’t invent the internet (you probably never said you did anyway) but your support helped make it happen. I want a man like you to protect us and guide us and lead us.

2. Some of my friends say to let Kerry alone because he's the front runner. I think that's not decided until the close of the Democratic convention. We already know you.You're the better man. Time's a'wastin, but it is not too late. Don't fail us!

3. When my church has Sunday services each week, we affirm and promote the worth and dignity of every person; justice, equity, and compassion; acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; a free and responsible search for truth and meaning; the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and, in society at large; the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; and respect for the interdependent web of all existence. From all that I have heard about you and all I know about you, I think you believe in all those things too.

4. My friends and I will help you. We will register voters. Lots of us will work for you, and we will all vote for you. I have friends all over the United States who believe as I do. They are not all members of my church. There are also Methodists and Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Catholics, Baptists and Lutherans, Jews and Moslems, and atheists, and pagans, and who-knows-what-else. They respect the values you respect. Let them help you. Let them vote for the best man. They want to.

5. What's more, you already have the support of the majority of the registered voters who voted last time. They voted for YOU last time! They will vote for you this time. And the people who accidentally voted for someone else last time (and plenty of the people who deliberately voted for someone else last time) will make sure their vote goes to you this time. Trust us. Try again. We need you. We’re your friends and supporters. Don't let us down!

P.S. Mrs. Tipper Gore, please help us convince him to run again. I know this is a sacrifice for you and your children. But this is about your children as well as our children. Mr. Gore can make the U.S.A. a better, safer place for them. Together we can make the whole world a better, safer place for everybody’s children. Is that too much to ask of you all –- to help us save the world?

Previous political editorials:
Angry About War
An open letter to Janet Reno

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