Miss April May's
Hot Tips Archive!

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      Welcome to Miss April May's Archive of hot tips. This site contains useful and entertaining suggestions to help you cope with life's little vicissitudes. For Miss May's latest column, please check out her monthly column at the FreeLook BookStore's FREE-Zine. We hope you find these tips helpful. Thanks for coming!

About Miss APRIL MAY...

Miss April May is a regular columnist for the FreeLook BookStore FREE-Zine. She's an economist, lecturer, and student of time saving techniques. She currently lives in Vancouver, BC, where she bikes, collects magazine articles, studies economics, and ponders the mystery of personal empowerment.

This website site provides a rich archive of her recent "Hot Tips". Browse the list by clicking a link at the right. Use the "Next" and "Prev" links on each "tip screen" to peruse our extensive inventory of time savers and fun facts.

We don't guarantee these tips, of course. As with all things in life, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. However, we think you will enjoy the read!

Have a hot tip you'd like to share with April? Send her a message and sign her guestbook. Make sure to check back often for her latest tips and techniques!

My "Hot Tips" are all about the economics of time. About making life simpler. You can invest a dollar, and get back a dollar and a nickle. Or you can invest ten minutes and get back hours worth of time. Which is a better investment?
--April May--

Explore Our Archives...

December 2004 Miss May examines Pam spray-on oil, getting down with the government, buying insurance and help with why you can't find your car keys.

November 2004 Taking an international trip? Miss May has answers. She also looks at gas prices, lost wallets and purses, and a mix bag of travel issues.

October 2004 Miss May explore light bulb wattage, water conservation, passbook savings accounts, why we should be washing our hands more, and how to repel mosquitos.

September 2004 Buying Jewelry? Check out Miss May's suggestions. She also has ideas about termites, taxes, travel, and comparison shopping.

August 2004 Info about eating bulbs, a crash course on grilling hamburgers. Miss May talks disposable diapers, old aspirin, and the Fair Credit Billing Act.

Older Tips Additional tips that include, Miss May's money suggestions, health tips, and techno tips.

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